
Announcement: PullUpToRefresh is here !

This is a quick Blog post to annouce the new iOS library ‘PullUpToRefresh’ , written in Swift that add a pull from the bottom capability to UITableview.

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Say Hi to Classroom chat !

Being in a classroom prevent many colleagues from communicating with each other even for solving course related issues. The only solution that exists is using a chat App like Telegram , Facebook Messenger , WhatsApp … But , unfortunately , all these apps require Internet and require typing in a keyboard which is time consuming. Classroom Chat is here to help you !


Android Layouts tutorial

Marwen Doukh - layout

After posting the weather app tutorial , many friends asked me to do a tutorial about how to organize Android Views (TextView , ImageView …) inside a UI. So in this tutorial, we’ll find out how to make better UI.

Tech news

Smartphones ≥ Ordinateurs

On a commencé le mois de Novembre avec des nouvelles !

Statcounter , un site web spécialisé dans les statistiques des navigateurs et systèmes d’exploitations , a annoncé que l’usage des terminaux mobiles , smartphone et tablette , a dépassé pour la première fois l’usage des ordinateurs . Quelle est l’importance de cette information ? Que va-t-elle changer dans l’avenir ?