
Announcement: PullUpToRefresh is here !

This is a quick Blog post to annouce the new iOS library ‘PullUpToRefresh’ , written in Swift that add a pull from the bottom capability to UITableview.

Mozilla Privacy

Your privacy tools for 2018

source :

New year , new you !

What if you start this new year with a bunch of new tools that would help you to stay safe online and protect your privacy ? Sounds good ?

Get to know

Say Hi to Classroom chat !

Being in a classroom prevent many colleagues from communicating with each other even for solving course related issues. The only solution that exists is using a chat App like Telegram , Facebook Messenger , WhatsApp … But , unfortunately , all these apps require Internet and require typing in a keyboard which is time consuming. Classroom Chat is here to help you !


Mozilla’s hard work is paying off

New stats !

On the first day of each month , the latest statistics of browser marketshare is published by And this month is no exception.

Tech news

MoVility 2017 : 3rd prize winner !

MoVility 2017

My team and I , have participated in the MoVility 2017 challenge with our project “Happy Ho” and we won the third prize . In this article , I will tell you what we’ve learned during this event and why you should consider participating in next year’s edition.


Happy Birthday Amine Zaafouri !

Amine Zaafouri and Marwen Doukh


Happy Birthday Amine Zaafouri 🎉 !

Get to know

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence have become one of the most important and interesting topics over the past few years , it gave computers the ability to “think” and to be “intelligent” . Unlike “old” programs and algorithms in which you should define and deal with every condition , AI algorithms can predict the action based on a training . What is AI ? What is Machine Learning ? What is Artificial Neural Network ? How could we train it ?


How to work/study effectively from home ?

macbook setup
Source : joeycariano Instagram account

Working or studying from home is an issue for many people because they find all the entertainment stuff they want available for them and easy to access such as TV , video game console … That is why many people prefer to finish all their tasks before going home because they are pretty sure that all their plans will fail .

But , what if we do not have the right to stay at work after 6pm and we should do some tasks from home ?


Firefox : What is next ?


Firefox is getting many improvements over the last months , it is getting better day after day . What is next ? How Firefox could be the best alternative to Chrome ?


Why to install Firefox Nightly ?

Firefox Nightly logo


Many people asks : “How can I help Mozilla ? I’m not familiar with programming !” . Then answer is “Use Firefox Nightly !”.

In this blog post , we’ll find out why Nightly is important and what you can do for Mozilla .