Tech news

MoVility 2017 : 3rd prize winner !

MoVility 2017

My team and I , have participated in the MoVility 2017 challenge with our project “Happy Ho” and we won the third prize . In this article , I will tell you what we’ve learned during this event and why you should consider participating in next year’s edition.

Get to know

Introduction to IoT

The IoT is becoming  among the most interesting topics over the last years because it will have a huge impact on our life in the next few years . According to experts , the world will see a big change at the dawn of 2020 , they called it : The IoT revolution !


Face detection with OpenCV

openCV logo


OpenCV is an open source library for image processing and object detection. In this tutorial we’ll create a Python program that detect and draw a rectangle around the detected face.


Bluemix : Connect IBM DashDB to IBM Cognos Analytics

IBM Cognos Analytics logo

Cognos Analytics is an IBM Business Intelligence tool that you can use to interpret your data and extract relevant information for your Database.In this tutorial , we will add a new data source to Cognos Analytics , from DashDB , and create charts. Let’s get started !


Android Layouts tutorial

Marwen Doukh - layout

After posting the weather app tutorial , many friends asked me to do a tutorial about how to organize Android Views (TextView , ImageView …) inside a UI. So in this tutorial, we’ll find out how to make better UI.


Consuming REST web service from Android

Android logo

Hello Android developer !

In this tutorial , we’ll develop an Android App that call a weather web service to display the weather’s condition for Ariana,Tunisia (just an example).

If you want to make your own web service , check out my tutorial here .

At the end of this tutorial , you’ll find the Github link of the full source code , it contains more features (everything is explained by comments).

Let’s get started !