This is a quick Blog post to annouce the new iOS library ‘PullUpToRefresh’ , written in Swift that add a pull from the bottom capability to UITableview.
Category: Tutorial
Face detection with OpenCV
OpenCV is an open source library for image processing and object detection. In this tutorial we’ll create a Python program that detect and draw a rectangle around the detected face.
Cognos Analytics is an IBM Business Intelligence tool that you can use to interpret your data and extract relevant information for your Database.In this tutorial , we will add a new data source to Cognos Analytics , from DashDB , and create charts. Let’s get started !
VR weather with A-frame
A-frame is a Mozilla web framework for building Virtual Reality scenes. In this tutorial , we’ll develop a web page that displays the weather’s conditions and change the scene sky according to weather. (We will choose Ariana , Tunisia as an example).
Android Layouts tutorial
After posting the weather app tutorial , many friends asked me to do a tutorial about how to organize Android Views (TextView , ImageView …) inside a UI. So in this tutorial, we’ll find out how to make better UI.
Consuming REST web service from Android
Hello Android developer !
In this tutorial , we’ll develop an Android App that call a weather web service to display the weather’s condition for Ariana,Tunisia (just an example).
If you want to make your own web service , check out my tutorial here .
At the end of this tutorial , you’ll find the Github link of the full source code , it contains more features (everything is explained by comments).
Let’s get started !
Rust is a new systems programming language made by Mozilla , it’s extremely fast !
In this tutorial we’ll develop a program in Rust that translate words using the Yandex Translator API.
Web Services using the Slim Framework
Hello !
In this tutorial , you’ll find out how to create your own web service using the Slim Framework and why it’s important to create a web service.
Let’s get started !