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Say Hi to Classroom chat !

Being in a classroom prevent many colleagues from communicating with each other even for solving course related issues. The only solution that exists is using a chat App like Telegram , Facebook Messenger , WhatsApp … But , unfortunately , all these apps require Internet and require typing in a keyboard which is time consuming. Classroom Chat is here to help you !

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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence have become one of the most important and interesting topics over the past few years , it gave computers the ability to “think” and to be “intelligent” . Unlike “old” programs and algorithms in which you should define and deal with every condition , AI algorithms can predict the action based on a training . What is AI ? What is Machine Learning ? What is Artificial Neural Network ? How could we train it ?

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Introduction to IoT

The IoT is becoming  among the most interesting topics over the last years because it will have a huge impact on our life in the next few years . According to experts , the world will see a big change at the dawn of 2020 , they called it : The IoT revolution !