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Say Hi to Classroom chat !

Being in a classroom prevent many colleagues from communicating with each other even for solving course related issues. The only solution that exists is using a chat App like Telegram , Facebook Messenger , WhatsApp … But , unfortunately , all these apps require Internet and require typing in a keyboard which is time consuming. Classroom Chat is here to help you !


Classroom chat logo
Classroom Chat


Based on Bluetooth , Classroom Chat , an open source App would help students to create one on one communication to easily chat without even using a keyboard. By just rotating your phone to one of the 4 positions (left side , right side , up , down) , your phone will send a preset message to your friend.

You could set your preset messages in the App Setting (up to 4 messages). If you would like to type your custom message to tell your friend something else , you have the ability to write whatever you want by just clicking the “+” button in the bottom right of the screen (Floating Action Button).

This App is open source , you could check all the source code in Github.

This was a short blog post that I wanted to write to share with you my new mobile App. Stay tuned for more Apps in the near future.


Built with love by Marwen Doukh.

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