
Mozilla’s hard work is paying off

New stats !

On the first day of each month , the latest statistics of browser marketshare is published by And this month is no exception.


Browser marketshare - September 2017
Browser marketshare – September 2017


According to statcounter stats, we could notice that Firefox marketshare has increased from 5.73% in July 2017 to 5.9% in August 2017 , to reach 5.96% in September 2017.

This increase is thanks to the hard work that has been done by the Mozilla community since years. I could remember well that many features has been landed in Firefox Nightly (pre-release version of Firefox for testing purpose) several months ago , and they went public recently. This shows how hard Mozilla has worked to develop, test , and improve this features before hitting the stable version.

In a previous blog post that I have written in June 2017 (titled “Firefox : What is next ?”) , I wrote about what Mozilla have done, will do , to improve Firefox and make it the most liked browser by all the Internet users.

Finally ! Mozilla’s hard work is paying off and I expect that next month Firefox marketshare will be higher.

Can’t wait to see Firefox 57 going to stable version. This new version that will be released next month will be the most revolutionary version Mozilla has ever made ! I promise you that Firefox marketshare will increase significantly after the release of Firefox 57.

If you want to find out what Firefox 57 will be like , checkout my blog post here.


Hold your breathe , 44 Days left !


One reply on “Mozilla’s hard work is paying off”

Actually, if you look at desktop only, Firefox is down in August compared to July. It looks to me like the decline of UC Browser in August in their stats is making everyone else grow in the combined Desktop+Mobile stats. I don’t think that the work on what is now called Quantum has any influence in market data yet.

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