
How to work/study effectively from home ?

macbook setup
Source : joeycariano Instagram account

Working or studying from home is an issue for many people because they find all the entertainment stuff they want available for them and easy to access such as TV , video game console … That is why many people prefer to finish all their tasks before going home because they are pretty sure that all their plans will fail .

But , what if we do not have the right to stay at work after 6pm and we should do some tasks from home ?

Motivation 🏊‍

Motivation is a key for success . You should motivate yourself to stay focused on your work and to not get disturbed by all the things going is your home ,even if your baby cry.

I will share with you my personal tip that usually works great with me . Staying in front of a computer for 5 or 8 hours in a row to develop a software is not an easy task , so I motivate myself by saying :

“Hey Marwen ! if you do a great job today , you will go ride the bike , or you will watch your favorite TV series , it is up to you ”

This way , I feel that after doing and finishing my work , I’ll get a reward so I get motivated and work harder to obtain it .

Stay focused 🎯

Even with motivation , sometimes you find yourself distracted because of e-mails , notifications , phone calls , someone asks for your help … To solve these issues try to respond to e-mail , messages once every 15min or 30min , because responding to everything as soon as you hear the notification will certainly make you loose your focus and you will notice that 1 hour has passed without doing any progress in your work.

Stay organized 🕐

Try your best to stick to the plan and commit yourself to do the tasks as you planned.

Sometimes when you plan to do Task 1 then Task 2 then …. you notice that you prefer doing Task 3 at first because all the other tasks needs more attention and more time.

Even so , try to do everything as planned and motivate yourself to do what you planned for because a good plan is the key for success.

That being said , you should know your skills and how much time it will takes to finish every task before setting the plan, and DO NOT plan for something that you could not accomplish (this will makes you feel down and you will underestimate yourself ).

Go for a walk 🚶🏼

As I mentioned above , staying in front of a computer for several hours is not an easy task and it could affect your health . So , once in a while try to go for a walk (even in the house) , this will make you willing to finish the remaining work with more motivation and of course protect your health.

Finally Get the reward ! 🥇

After finishing your work , and if everything worked like a charm , do not forget to get the reward that you promised yourself  to obtain. This will make you credible and next time you will work harder to get the reward !


I hope that this article help you to do well in the future and if you have any other tips that could help us , please feel free to share it in the comment section below .

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