
Bluemix : Connect IBM DashDB to IBM Cognos Analytics

IBM Cognos Analytics logo

Cognos Analytics is an IBM Business Intelligence tool that you can use to interpret your data and extract relevant information for your Database.In this tutorial , we will add a new data source to Cognos Analytics , from DashDB , and create charts. Let’s get started !

What is DashDB ?

DashDB is a data warehouse developed by IBM that you can use to gather data from different databases and different sources.

Connect DashDB to Cognos Analytics

Connect to your Cognos account and click “manage” (in the bottom left) .

IBM Cognos : Click manage
Click manage

Then , click “Data server connections”

IBM Cognos : click data server connections
Click data server connections

Click the + button and choose DashDB

Choose DashDB

Now , we have to enter the DashDB credentials , so go to your DashDB dashboard , click “connect” and copy , paste the required fields . (copy Host name and paste it in “Server”)

IBM Cognos : Copy your credentials
Copy your credentials

When you’re done , test if the connection can be established by clicking “test” , you should see this

IBM Cognos : Test the connection
Test the connection

After clicking the “Ok” button , click on the database you just created .

Then click on your connection name , and next to your schema name (DashDB table name) , click “Load metadata”

IBM Cognos : load metadata
Load metadata

As of now , we successfully connected Cognos to DashDB . The next step is to create a new data source for Cognos , it will get data from the server connection we just created .

Click the + button and choose “Data module”

IBM Cognos : Create a new data module
Create a new data module

Click “Data servers”, then choose the “Data server” we just created .After that check the schema (DashDB table name) , and finally click “Start”.

IBM Cognos : Setup data module
Setup data module

Expand the “Data sources” , then drag and drop the table name you want to work on. Click “save” (on the top left).

Tip: Save it in “My content” folder to make it easier to find it later.

IBM Cognos : Save data module
Save data module

Everything now is well set up . To use those data , add a new Dashboard

IBM Cognos : Add new Dashboard
Add new Dashboard

In the new dashboard , we need to choose the data we want to process , so click the “+” button and choose the data source we just created (if you followed my tip , you’ll find it in “My content” folder 😉  ).

IBM Cognos : Add data source to Dashboard
Add data source to Dashboard

Finally , you can create your charts and process the DashDB data.Just drag and drop the values from your data source into your charts.

Add charts

Enjoy !

Don’t forget to save your Dashboard , so you can consult it in the future.


In my project , I get data from sensors and I can see the temperature , humidity , noise values over time and I can also notice that the average temperature dropped dramatically while other values remained stable at a certain point of time.

IBM Cognos : Charts
IBM Cognos : Charts

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