Mozilla Tutorial

“Rust Translator” : translate words with Rust …


Rust is a new systems programming language made by Mozilla , it’s extremely fast !

In this tutorial we’ll develop a program in Rust that translate words using the Yandex Translator API.

Installing Rust

Rust is always changing , this tutorial is made with version 1.14.0 (released in December 22, 2016).

To install the latest Rust version , run this command in your Terminal

curl -sSf | sh

Create a new project

Cargo is a package manager for Rust , it also create projects , build , and run it .

To create a new Rust project , run

cargo new RustTranslator --bin

 – -bin indicates that we are creating a binary program and not a library.

Once you created the project , two files will be created

  • Cargo.toml : contains the project dependencies and information (developer,version …)
  • : contains our source code

Go to src , with

cd src

to run the program , run

cargo run

This will prompt a simple hello world

Hello, world!

Import dependencies

Open Cargo.toml and add

hyper = "0.10.0"
rustc-serialize = "0.3"
hyper-native-tls = "0.2"

Our project needs those libraries :

  • Hyper : will help us make HTTP requests to get the word’s translation from Yandex API
  • rustc-serialize : will help us parse the HTTP result
  • hyper-native-tls : Since Yandex Translator API is available in HTTPS , we need this library to make HTTP request to encrypted web services

To import it to the project , run

cargo update

Just wait , this depends on your Internet speed.

Coding …

We just finished importing the libraries we need , now we have to tell Rust that we will use it in our program . To do so , open and add :

extern crate hyper;
extern crate rustc_serialize;
extern crate hyper_native_tls;

use hyper::client::Client;
use std::io::Read;
use hyper::net::HttpsConnector;
use hyper_native_tls::NativeTlsClient;
use std::io;

this will compile and link the libraries to our project.

To get the word that the user want to translate , we need to read user input from the keyboard , so add this to our “main” function

 let mut word = String::new();

 io::stdin().read_line(&mut word)
            .expect("failed to read the word");

The next step is to get the language that the user want to translate the word to. We will do the same thing :

 let mut language = String::new();

io::stdin().read_line(&mut language)
            .expect("failed to read the language");

Every request to Yandex Translator API , is made to a link as below

So , you have to put your own key ,you can get a new one from here (If you just want to test the program , you can use mine , I’ll put it below . Please don’t make too much requests !). In every request we make , we have to change the word we want to translate and the language that the user chose . To do so , we’ll create a new variable called “link” and concatenate “language” and “word” to it .

let mut link = "".to_string();
    link = link +  &word;
    link= link+&language;

Once we have the word , the language and the link , We are ready to make the HTTP request to get the result from Yandex Translator

let ssl = NativeTlsClient::new().unwrap();
let connector = HttpsConnector::new(ssl);
let client = Client::with_connector(connector);
    // the string that will contain the request result
let mut translationResult = String::new();
    // send the request   
            // put the result to the string declared above
          .read_to_string(&mut translationResult)

To be able to extract the translated word , we’ll format the HTTP result to JSON

let data = rustc_serialize::json::Json::from_str(&translationResult).unwrap();

Then , get the JSON object.

let obj = data.as_object().unwrap();

This JSON object contains the translated word and the source-destination language. To extract this information from the JSON object , add :

let translatedWord = obj.get("text").unwrap();
let translatedFromTo = obj.get("lang").unwrap();

Finally , print the result

println!("translation is : {} ",translatedWord[0]);
println!("translated from-to  : {} ",translatedFromTo);

“Rust Translator” is ready to test

To test our project , run

cargo run

Add some instructions to the user ( println!(“do that”) ), The result will be :


 --- Welcome to Rust Translator by Marwen Doukh - Mozilla Tunisia ---

Please enter the word you want to translate
Hello Mozilla
Please choose the language that you want to translate to (eg : choose en if you want English)

 English : en

 Arabic : ar

 French : fr

 German : de


 Translate to :
translation is : "Hallo Mozilla" 
translated from-to  : "fi-de"

This is it ! As easy as that !

Many projects nowadays are made using Rust like  Servo and the Rust compiler itself. Mozilla is working hard everyday to improve this programming language , you can help it by contributing , You’ll shape the next version of Rust !

To get the full source code of “Rust Translator”, you can find it on Github . Feel free to change it !

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